AACRL is the Alabama Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, founded in May of 1987 and incorporated in October of 2000. On this website you will find information about upcoming workshops and programs, newsletters, minutes of our board and annual membership meetings, a calendar of events occurring across the state, information on how you too can become a member – at $10 (Student), $12 (Paraprofessional) and $15 a year (Librarian) it is an unbelievable value!) and lots more. Take some time to look around and get acquainted with our great organization.

You can also join the AACRL listserv and hear what the membership is up to. Just send the message SUBSCRIBE AACRL to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UAB.EDU. If you have suggestions for AACRL or for our website, click here to tell us about it.

Reminder: If you serve on an AACRL committee, you should be a member of AACRL. Please renew your membership today!