2002 AACRL/CUS Best Practices Programs

2002 AACRL/CUS Best Practices Programs

AACRL Program Coordinator: Della Darby, Samford University

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Thinking Outside the Box: Some Ways to Actively Engage Students in Library Research Instruction
Dr. Joesph S. Freedman, College of Education, Alabama State University

The view that library research cannot be taught in isolation has gained widespread acceptance. Normally, one endeavors to tie a library research presentation to a specific assignment in a given academic course or seminar. This presentation intends to go beyond–without contesting–this view by briefly discussing some strategies used in order to provide additionally general contexts for library research which students not only can utilize in a specific course at hand, but also in future research to be pursued in years to come.

Utilizing Descriptive Meta-Data & XML to Create a Subject Based Cross-Institutional Research Portal
Catherine Jannik, Coordinator, Auburn University Digital Projects Working Group, Auburn University
Robert McDonald, Information Technology and Digital Project Librarian, Auburn University

This presentation will describe collaborative efforts in building a subject specific primary source research portal of Civil Rights collections in the state of Alabama. The project providea a one stop search for primary source Civil Rights documentation by creating a virtual repository of distributed archival finding aids and museum collection guides using hypermedia, XML, and Dublin Core descriptive meta-data. The partnerships with public and private institutions have started a collaboration that includes libraries, archives, and museums throughout the state.

Adding Electronic Journals to Your Online Catalog
Della Darby, Reference Coordinator, Samford University Library
Jodi Poe, Distance Education/Electronic Resources Manager, Houston Cole Library Jacksonville State University
Kim Weatherford, Senior Catalog Librarian, Houston Cole Library Jacksonville State University

A discussion of how and why libraries are linking electronic journals and journal titles from electronic databases to their online catalogs. Cataloging, maintenance, and publicity will be addressed. The audience is encouraged to share their experiences.

Thursday, April 11, 2002

Database Evaluation: A Collaborative Approach
Audrey Powers, Information Technologies Librarian, Carmichael Library, University of Montevallo

This presentation will define reasons to evaluate databases, elements to evaluate, and development of the evaluation process. Identification of essential criteria and data collection includes cost, use statistics, coverage, content, ease of use, instructional value, and overall quality. Each element will be described in-depth including the difficulties encountered in gathering comparative data.

Active Learning : What We Learned, What We Implemented, What Worked Best
Kathy Barone, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Carmichael Library, University of Montevallo
Bret Heim, Reference and Government Documents Librarian, Spring Hill College
Carla Waddell, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Samford University Library
Heather Watters, Reference/Documents Librarian, Samford University Library
Elizabeth Wells, Special Collection Coordinator, Samford University Library

This is a follow-up to the AACRL workshop by Randy Hensley “Active Learning as a Pedagogical Approach for Information Literacy.” Panelists will share activities they have used that originated in the January workshop. The audience is encouraged to participate.

Group Licensing of Information Content Databases
Dr. Sue Medina, Director, Network of Alabama Academic Libraries

The Network of Alabama Academic Libraries has developed an aggressive program to license information content databases for Alabama libraries. Since its inception, the Online Content Program has achieved significant discounts for NAAL participants and enabled many academic institutions to add databases that would have been unaffordable outside the consortium licensing program. In addition to savings in the cost of the database, the libraries realize savings in staff costs by not having to negotiate individual licenses. Finally, NAAL demonstrates the “power of the group” by achieving more favorable licensing terms than individual institutions realize. NAAL supports consortium licensing as a “best practice” in today’s increasingly digital information environment.