2003 AACRL/CUS Best Practices Programs
AACRL Program Coordinators: Della Darby, Samford University & Kim Weatherford, Jacksonville State University
Wednesday, April 2, 2003
Metadata in Digital Projects
Sterling Joseph Coleman Jr., Digital Resources Librarian, Ralph Brown Draughon Library, Auburn University
This program will describe the best practices of the Cornerstone Metadata Standards Working Group adopted in developing the Cornerstone Project as well as the decision-making process that was used to reach these practices. Topics to be covered: selecting controlled vocabularies; creating a metadata workform and providing documentation for the proper usage of Cornerstone Metadata workform. The Cornerstone Project is a collaborative statewide initiative that enables Alabamians to explore, via the Internet, the images, letters and other special artifacts that document their history. We will conclude with a ten minute question and answer session.
Plagiarism: A Comprehensive Definition
Jean Liddell, Reference Librarian and Librarian II, Ralph Brown Draughon Library, Auburn University
This program will look at why students plagiarize, ways of avoiding and preventing plagiarism, methods of detection and a comprehensive definition of plagiarism.
Thursday, April 3, 2003
Helpful Hints for Every Librarian’s Nightmare: Publishing an Article
Robert H. Schrimsher, McWhorter School of Pharmacy, Samford University
A discussion and helpful hints focusing on getting started with a publication; facts and myths of publishing; where to submit your article; why manuscripts are rejected; article format; helpful tools of the trade; writer’s block; should the boss be included as an author; the phases of the writing process; proofreading tips; and other problematic areas.
Faculty Evaluation of Library Orientation
Jean Thomason, Director, Samford University Library
A brief orientation to Library Resources and Services was given to the Nursing and Divinity faculty, plus new faculty and their mentors. The presentation will focus on their evaluation of the three sessions.